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Account Officer (Medan)

Kota Matsum I, Medan Area
Accounting / Auditing
5 days ago
1. Achieved Target Production based on Sales Area. 2. Manage and Maintain good relationships with the Bank Partner Manager and marketing, to gain prod..

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Regional Sales Head (Semarang, Makassar)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Sales / Marketing
5 days ago
1. Responsible for area sales productivity 2. Responsible to monitor MSIG Life Insurance Indonesia's Bancassurance Consultant activity 3. Alongside He..

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Trainer Executive

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Education / Training
5 days ago
1. Schedule and prepare for training sessions with the channel and Support other teams in conducting the training. 2. Conduct training session in vari..

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Accounting Executive

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Accounting / Auditing
5 days ago
1. Performs general accounting activities, including the preparation, maintenance and reconciliation of ledger accounts and financial statements suc..

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Corporate Collectiion and Billing

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Sales / Marketing
5 days ago
1. Oversee and monitor the premium billing process, additional premiums, deposits, and related charges. 2. Manage and track the input of premiums, add..

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Agency Performance Monitoring Assistant Manager

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
5 days ago
1. Analyse the structure of a business, Identify problems within a business, including through using data modelling techniques. 2. Formulate ways for ..

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Data Analyst

Pulo Gadung, Pulogadung,
Information Technology
6 days ago
Kualifikasi :1. Pria / Wanita2. Menguasai SQL3. Menguasai Phyton4. Mahir Microsoft Excel5. TablueKetentuan :Jujur dan bertanggung jawab Dapat bekerja ..

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Admin Online

Gianyar, Gianyar, Kab. Gi
Administrative / Clerical
6 days ago
Jobdesk OL ShopMengelola Online ShopMemberikan Jawaban serta Arahan Saat Pembeli KesulitanMenjaga Performa Online ShopMembangun Hubungan yang Baik den..

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Online Sales & Marketing

Cimone Jaya, Karawaci, Ko
Sales / Marketing
6 days ago
Mempromosikan Produk: Mengelola dan menjalankan kampanye pemasaran online untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan perusahaan melalui berbagai platform..

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Administrasi Produksi

Pedurungan Kidul, Pedurun
6 days ago
Mencatat dan Mengarsipkan Data Produksi: Menyusun dan menyimpan data terkait jadwal, hasil, dan laporan produksi.Menyiapkan Laporan: Membantu dalam pe..

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Group Actuary Executive

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
1. Calculating Group Health Insurance, Group Term Life, and Personal Accident Premium rate based on guideline 2. Renewal Recommendation for GHI polici..

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Corporate Legal Executive

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Sales / Marketing
6 days ago
1. Reviews, drafts and negotiates a broad range of commercial contracts and ensures that contracts are in compliance with legal, regulatory and organi..

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Data Entry Freelance

Kedungkandang, Kedungkand
Information Technology
6 days ago
Mempersiapkan dan menyortir dokumen sebelum datanya dimasukkan ke dalam komputer.Memasukkan data ke dalam database milik perusahaan.Memeriks..

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Regional Agency Development Manager

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
1. Recommend the sales force to be recruited in appointed region.2. Coordinate and monitor recruitment of agency sales force in appointed region and e..

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Admin Olsop Freelnce

Tandes, Tandes, KOTA SURA
Administrative / Clerical
6 days ago
Mengurusi seluruh media milik toko online yang meliputi email, media social, dllMengecek setiap barang yang masukMemproses seluruh orderan yang masukM..

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External Communications Assistant Manager

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
1. Building strategies to boost presence in conventional and digital media (thought leadership) while also managing reputation/issues. 2. Press/Media ..

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Brand Analyst Assistant Manager

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
1. Delivering research, unearth actionable insights, formulate and present brand strategies to management and relevant functions. 2. Developing brand ..

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IT Squad Leader Assistant Manager

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
1. Lead application development team and ensure effective working environment.2. Improve existing application and process to ensure effective current ..

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Data Engineer Senior Executive

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
Information Technology
6 days ago
1. Analyze and organize raw data.2. Build data systems and pipelines.3. Create and maintain optimal data pipeline architecture.4. Interpret trends and..

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Admin Olshop Freelance

Caturtunggal, Depok, KAB.
Administrative / Clerical
6 days ago
Mengurusi seluruh media milik toko online yang meliputi email, media social, dllMengecek setiap barang yang masukMemproses seluruh orderan yang masukM..

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Bancassurance Consultant (Riau)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan nasabah bank rekanan dalam memberikan konsultasi perencanaan perlindungan serta tujuan finansial..

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Bancassurance Consultant (Mamuju, Maluku, NTB, NTT, Bali)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan nasabah bank rekanan dalam memberikan konsultasi perencanaan perlindungan serta tujuan finansial..

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Bancassurance Consultant (Kalimantan)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan nasabah bank rekanan dalam memberikan konsultasi perencanaan perlindungan serta tujuan finansial..

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Bancassurance Consultant (Jawa Timur)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan nasabah bank rekanan dalam memberikan konsultasi perencanaan perlindungan serta tujuan finansial..

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Bancassurance Consultant (Jawa Tengah)

Setia Budi, Setiabudi, KO
6 days ago
Menjalin dan menjaga hubungan bisnis yang baik dengan nasabah bank rekanan dalam memberikan konsultasi perencanaan perlindungan serta tujuan finansial..

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