Yang akan bertanggung jawab terhadap promosi dan penjualan secara offline produk PayLater Akulaku.Mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan.Memp..
Yang akan bertanggung jawab terhadap promosi dan penjualan secara offline produk PayLater Akulaku.
Mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan.
Memperkenalkan produk Akulaku PayLater kepada calon pelanggan.
Membantu pelanggan dalam proses pendaftaran atau aktivasi layanan Akulaku PayLater.
Melakukan Visit ke toko-tokoMeningkatkan penjualanMenjalin kerja sama yang baik dengan tokoMemperluas pasar dengan mencari toko-toko baruMencapai targ..
Managing technical team capabilities report and planPreparing technical support team performance reportsAssisting the Sales team both in presales and ..
Managing technical team capabilities report and plan
Preparing technical support team performance reports
Assisting the Sales team both in presales and post-sales
Understanding customer's requirements and needs and able to provide the right solutions
Training, mentoring, evaluating, and motivating the team
Assign and monitor the workload, set the goals and standards, and provide feedback and guidance
Communicate the customer needs and expectations, report the performance and issues, and coordinate the resources and solutions
Handle complex or escalated customer complaints, troubleshoot technical problems, implement policies and procedures, and ensure compliance with quality and security standards