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Marketing Manager (High Salary - IDR 20 -30 Million)

Jakarta, Jakarta
Sales / Marketing
1 month ago
Elogio Asia was incorporated on 28th January 2003. The original intent of starting this company was to provide the aesthetic and beauty market skin care products that really work and beauty equipment that meant to achieve results. At that time, there was a lack of good quality beauty products and aesthetic equipment in the market that work and achieve the desired results for customers. Elogio Asia is constantly looking out for such products and equipment that can enhance the total body wellness and achieving vitality to the body health from top to toe. Elogio Asia positions herself not only as a product distributor in the region but also a beauty and wellness concept provider where we specialize in providing our customers, salon owners and aesthetic doctors, unique concepts and protocols in treating their customers and patients satisfactorily achieving the results they desire. We offer solutions by creating concepts that target the very core problem areas faced by the customers. Elogio Asia seeks to be a trend-setter by engaging in beauty-related research and development so that we can help our customers obtain and achieve optimum results. We are now representative and sole distributor to Asia for some of the best quality and well known products and equipment from United Kingdom, Korea, Spain, Italy and Japan. Elogio Asia is also a company that instills social responsibility to the society by involving and supporting in community projects. We also inculcate mutual respect amongst staff by listening and caring for one another so as to make the working environment conducive, stress-free and enjoyable. We hope as the Company grows, the staff who is our important and main asset, will also grow with us.

Marketing Manager / 行銷經理

Jakarta, Jakarta
Sales / Marketing
1 month ago
Elogio Asia was incorporated on 28th January 2003. The original intent of starting this company was to provide the aesthetic and beauty market skin care products that really work and beauty equipment that meant to achieve results. At that time, there was a lack of good quality beauty products and aesthetic equipment in the market that work and achieve the desired results for customers. Elogio Asia is constantly looking out for such products and equipment that can enhance the total body wellness and achieving vitality to the body health from top to toe. Elogio Asia positions herself not only as a product distributor in the region but also a beauty and wellness concept provider where we specialize in providing our customers, salon owners and aesthetic doctors, unique concepts and protocols in treating their customers and patients satisfactorily achieving the results they desire. We offer solutions by creating concepts that target the very core problem areas faced by the customers. Elogio Asia seeks to be a trend-setter by engaging in beauty-related research and development so that we can help our customers obtain and achieve optimum results. We are now representative and sole distributor to Asia for some of the best quality and well known products and equipment from United Kingdom, Korea, Spain, Italy and Japan. Elogio Asia is also a company that instills social responsibility to the society by involving and supporting in community projects. We also inculcate mutual respect amongst staff by listening and caring for one another so as to make the working environment conducive, stress-free and enjoyable. We hope as the Company grows, the staff who is our important and main asset, will also grow with us.

Sales Marketing

Dawuhan, Banyumas, KAB. B
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Melakukan riset pasar untuk memahami kebutuhan pelanggan.Menyusun daftar target prospek dan menjangkau pelanggan potensial.Membina hubungan baik denga..

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Sales Marketing

Menteng, Menteng, KOTA AD
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Fokus: Menciptakan kesadaran produk dan mengonversi prospek menjadi pembeli.Proses: Identifikasi prospek, nurturing, tawarkan nilai, follow-up, dan pe..

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Sales Marketing Otomotif Surabaya

Asem Rowo, Asem Rowo, KOT
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Menjual produk di Store maupun Mobile dengan sistem canvassingMelakukan kegiatan demo untuk menarik perhatian konsumenMengikuti pameran sesuai dengan ..

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Sales Marketing & Promotor Yogyakarta

Patangpuluhan, Wirobrajan
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Menawarkan Produk Elektron kepada pelanggganMerawat dan menjaga kebersihan display yang ada di tokoBersedia bekerja dengan target yang telah ditentuka..

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Sales Marketing & Promotor Surakarta (Solo)

Pasarkliwon, Pasar Kliwon
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Menawarkan Produk Elektron kepada pelanggganMerawat dan menjaga kebersihan display yang ada di tokoBersedia bekerja dengan target yang telah ditentuka..

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Marketing Communication

Ciracas, Ciracas, KOTA AD
Sales / Marketing
6 days ago
Membuat Dan Menjalankan Promosi PenjualanMembuat Dan Menjalankan Media-media Promosi Offline (spesial Event)Membantu Tim Marketing Dalam Hal Pencapaia..

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Magang Marketing

Benda, Benda, Kota Tanger
Sales / Marketing
2 days ago
Requirements & Responsibilities :1. Kreatif dan Proaktif2. Memiliki minat tinggi dalam dunia Social Media3. Up to Date dengan trend baru di Social..

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Senior Sales/Marketing Medical Representatif (Alat Kesehatan)

Pulo, Kebayoran Baru, KOT
Health / Beauty / Fitness
1 week ago
Benefit Gaji diatas UMRBPJS KetenagakerjaanBPJS KesehatanTunjangan hari raya (THR)Jenjang karirIncentive setiap melakukan kunjungan dokterHari sa..

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Marketing Coordinator

Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Campaign Management: Assist in the planning, coordination, and tracking of fintech-specific marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness and user acqu..

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Sales & Marketing Manager (Glass, Aluminium, Building Material)

Palmerah, Pal Merah, KOTA
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Requirements• Usia maksimal 45 tahun.• Pendidikan min S1 semua jurusan.• Berpengalaman di bidang Kaca/ Aluminium/ Building Material/ Fasade.• ..

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Digital Marketing Intern

South Jakarta, South Jakarta City
Sales / Marketing
1 day ago
Digital Marketing Intern About Us INDICO is a digital technology subsidiary company of Telkomsel, Indonesia's leading digital telecom company. INDIC..

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Perfomance Marketing Lead

South Jakarta, South Jakarta City
Sales / Marketing
2 days ago
The candidate is required to demonstrate sensible business acumen to plan sales campaigns & activation, as well as the necessary technical skill s..

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Growth Analyst - Platform Marketing

Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Job Scope:We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven Analyst to join our growth team in driving and enhancing the performance of our products through..

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Credit Marketing Officer

Toboleu, Kota Ternate Uta
Finance / Banking / Insurance
1 week ago
Menjalin relasi dengan dealer untuk mendapatkan aplikasi kreditMenjalankan proses survey dan analisa kelayakan konsumenMencapai target penjualan yang ..

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Digital & Marketing Analytics Lead

South Jakarta, South Jakarta City
F&B / Tourism / Hospitality
1 week ago
We are looking for an experienced and detail-oriented Digital & Marketing Analytics Lead to drive data-driven decision-making across marketing, di..

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Growth Marketing Head

South Jakarta, South Jakarta City
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven Growth Marketing Head to lead and drive growth marketing strategies across our products and mobile app. Th..

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sales promotor

Cibadak, Astana Anyar, Ko
Sales / Marketing
6 days ago
Kriteria :- Pria/Wanita- Usia 20 - 26 Tahun- WAJIB Pengalaman di bidang Material building/bahan bangunan- Pendidikan Min. SLTA atau Sedejarat- Ti..

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Sales Eksekutif

Ciracas, Ciracas, KOTA AD
Sales / Marketing
6 days ago
- Melakukan Promosi Buku Ke Sekolah - Sekolah Yang Sudah Ditentukan.- Melayani Pesanan Pembelian Dari Para Pelanggan.- Meraih Target Yang Sudah Diteta..

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Sales Coordinator

Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Ga
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:Melakukan pembagian target kepada semua Sales (Per Toko & Sales) sesuai dengan deployment yang sudah disampaikanMelakukan moni..

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Consumer Loan Marketing (CLM) Kring

Bara-Baraya Selatan, Maka
Sales / Marketing
1 week ago
Menawarkan Produk Perbankan berupa Pinjaman tanpa agunan.Menjalin hubungan baik dengan pelanggan/nasabah.Menjalankan proses perbankan sesuai dengan pr..

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Sales Counter Otomotif

Banyuripan, Bayat, KAB. K
Sales / Marketing
20 hours ago
Menawarkan & menjual unit kepada pelangganMelayani & menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan dengan baikMencari pelanggan & melayani pelanggan di sh..

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Sales Counter Otomotif

Banjarrejo, Bojonegoro, K
Sales / Marketing
20 hours ago
Menawarkan & menjual unit kepada pelangganMelayani & menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan dengan baikMencari pelanggan & melayani pelanggan di sh..

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Sales Counter Otomotif

Prenggan, Kotagede, KOTA
Sales / Marketing
20 hours ago
Menawarkan & menjual unit kepada pelangganMelayani & menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan dengan baikMencari pelanggan & melayani pelanggan di sh..

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