Membuat perencanaan service trailerMembuat report KPI mingguan dan bulananMengelola flow process komponen trailerMembuat forecast service dan order komponen
Melakukan input data maintenance service trailer SST 74Melakukan input data absensi man power service trailerMelaIukan input data replacement komponen service trailerMempersiapkan dokumen lembar pengecekan
The position will be responsible in managing credit card portfolio with analytic review on credit card portfolio, including credit card profitability. It also responsible to profile CC customer and analyze which portfolio program are the most effective and suitable, based on each profile segment in order to increase both active rate and revolver ba...
Financial Responsibilities :
Memastikan produktivitas cabang dalam melakukan referral & cross selling produk/ layanan tertentu untuk pencapaian target Individu & Team
Operational Responsibilities :
Bertanggung jawab atas transaksi : Pembukaan dan Penutupan Rekening ; Pembuatan dan Penerbitan Cek/BG, Bilyet Deposito d...
1. Menghandle complain customer dan memberikan problem solving yang tepat2. Memastikan aktivitas customer service berjalan dengan baik guna mencapai customer satisfaction.3. Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan database pelanggan4. ...