Simple Prices, No Surprises

Contact our Sales Team for more details
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Posting Prices
Prices below are for Direct Employers. Recruitment Agencies can contact our sales team here.
IDR 1,320,000
IDR 660,000
1 Job Posting Credit
Free resume credit
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5 Job Posting Credits
Free resume credit
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IDR 10,000,000
IDR 5,000,000
10 Job Posting Credits
Free resume credit
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Posting Benefits
Our clients are entitled to these extra benefits:
Jobstore posting benefits
Posts will be active for 60 days
Jobstore posting benefits
Jobs posted to more than 20 job site
Jobstore posting benefits
Credit with 12 months validity
Jobstore posting benefits
Instant talent recommendation
Jobstore posting benefits
Logo for company branding
Jobstore posting benefits
Dedicated banner for each job
Jobstore posting benefits
Jobs refreshed once after 15 days
Jobstore posting benefits
Applicants can be contacted directly
Jobstore posting benefits
Social media sharing provided

For more information or any other enquiries regarding our our prices and packages, please contact
our Sales TeamSend us a message
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We're all about making sure you have a great experience with our service.
Our dedicated customer support team will go out of their way to assist you—simply call or email us.