Tegalsari, Plered, Kab. Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia / Pt. Indowooyang
Responsibility:Bertanggung jawab terhadap penyelesaian masalah/ketidaksesuaian/kerusakan di bagian pemeliharaan mesin dan infrastrukturBertanggung jawab terhadap penerapan kebijakan, peraturan & sistem yang ditetapkan perusahaan di bagian pemeliharaan mesin dan infrastrukturMengevaluasi & melaporkan hasil kerja bagian pemeliharaanBertanggun...
Sumber Raya, Buay Pemaca, Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia / Agro Gading Sejahtera
Melakukan perbaikan maintenance pabrikMelakukan pabrikasiMelakukan pengelasan dan pemotonganDan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan maintenance pabrik dan pengalaman maintenance dipabrik kelapa sawit.
Some of your duties will include:· To supervise in the day-to-day activities associated with plumbing, piping maintenance included welding;· Responsible for all plumbing and piping installations are maintained, repaired, serviced and installed as required...
Some of your duties will include:· To supervise staff in the day-to-day activities associated with air conditioning & refrigeration work.Reviewing work order, prepare plan, take measurements and have estimate resource requirements and work schedule.Ensure the air condition and refrigeration damages...
Sungai Cabang, Kumai, KAB. KOTAWARINGIN BARAT, KALIMANTAN TENGAH, Indonesia / Pt. Buana Karya Bhakti
Melaksanakan seluruh program kegiatan pekerjaan pemeliharaan dan perawatan unit mesin-mesin utama serta mesin pendukung pengolahan CPO dan PK yang telah diterapkan serta melakukan pengawasan atau mengendalikan waktu dan biaya seluruh aspek pelaksanaan perawatan dan perbaikan unit mesin pengolahan dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek teknis (keandalan d...
Some of your duties will include:Coordinating the civil design, painting and engineering activities with the prime objectives of ensuring construction activities are built as per design and specification, effectively and efficiently to meet project timelines and budget.Control the painting works specially for Preventive Maintenance the Existing bui...
Some of your duties will include:· To supervise in the day-to-day activities associated with plumbing, piping maintenance included welding;· Responsible for all plumbing and piping installations are maintained, repaired, serviced and installed as required...
Some of your duties will include:· To supervise staff in the day-to-day activities associated with air conditioning & refrigeration work.Reviewing work order, prepare plan, take measurements and have estimate resource requirements and work schedule.Ensure the air condition and refrigeration damages...
Some of your duties will include:· To supervise and direct the activities of company maintenance (electrical - electrician) personnel· To ensure that adequate resources are available to meet production and maintenance needsReports all accidents and inciden...
Some of your duties will include:· To plan, coordinate, and supervise civil construction project and maintenance works, to deliver products which meet standard requirement, on time and to budget while satisfying the of the client and company; · Responsible...
Melakukan analisa, supervisi serta improvement seluruh pekerjaan teknis yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan Elektrikal dan Mekanikal Melakukan monitoring project